The newest addition to the successful Sun Fast line, the Sun Fast 3300 is now available to charter for sail training (coach provided for additional fee) or for any of the 2022 New England regattas, including the Ida Lewis Distance Race, New England Solo Twin, Buzzards Bay Regatta, Safe Harbor Race Week, and the Vineyard Race.
With growing interest and participation in double and shorthanded racing, the Sun Fast 3300 is the boat of choice for world-renowned sailors such as Ken Read and Olympic medalist, Shirley Robertson.
Designed by Guillaume Verdier (designer of foiling IMOCAs) and Daniel Andrieu (Sun Fast’s original architect), the Sun Fast 3300 features many innovations, including an infusion-molded hull for added stiffness and reduced weight, twin rudders for greater control, a high volume reverse bow for improved downwind performance, and a cockpit that is perfectly set up for shorthanded sailing. Combined with a manageable sail plan that can propel the boat to speeds in excess of 20 knots, there’s no surprise the Sun Fast 3300 is one of the fastest growing classes in the world!
Owning your dream yacht has never been easier or more affordable. Our charter programs let you sail while we take care of your yacht, OFFSETTING THE COST OF YOUR YACHT UP TO 80%